About Us

walid ismail-Amgad Hassan

Through the journey from its beginning, we have been working together, we developed many robots as well as our personality, skills, and friendship. do u want to know more about us, here is the story

Mechanical Designer-Amgad Hassan

First, let me introduce myself, I am a semester five student, studying Mechatronics Engineering at University of Central Lancashire in an exchange program with the Arab Academy for Science and Technology , living for one clear dream, a dream to be a leading character able to perform a remarkable effect on the society and leave a footprint in history”. And I strongly believe that in order to reach this goal I need to work hard on building a unique personality able to lead, manage and motivate the society, this is an application of the quote I am living with :”go within every day and find your inner strength so that the world won’t blow your candle out” Katherine Dunham.In this letter I will state the steps I already took and how I am trying to develop my skills.

The Spark

I used to be a left behind obese teenager with Excellent grades throughout school years. However, when I started my IGCSE high school I decided that was exactly the time to change the game, I lost half of my weight and took the first step in achieving my lifetime goals by taking two routes, the first one was joining a leading Cairo university-administrated student activity specified in political science where I learned a lot of soft skills such as (debating-presentation-teamwork-public speaking) thankfully I won the best junior award in this model, and the second step was to establish a student family at school called (Mini Egypt) aiming to develop the personality of students through several activities that Included charity activities. I remember that during this era I had my first impact on the society through collecting donations for several NPO’s until I graduated from High school with Excellent grades that led me to college of engineering.

First interaction with the professional life

The time between high school and college was very useful and gave me a head start, I took the first step in the real job market with two jobs, the first one was a two weeks job In a leading multi-field company, and the second one was a Private Teaching assistant which made me give the first technical impact on students , and again the two students I was teaching got excellent grades.

My college life

The college life is a perfect environment to accelerate the development process. The third step at my first days in college was joining a committee on Political and social Responsibility in the same student activity I joined at school where had my first direct interaction with the Arab society in general, I took part in teaching school subjects for Syrian and Egyptian children in Ezbet Kheir allah-a poor area which needed education that was unreachable due to lack of schools. Not to mention the charity campaigns performed at this era in different areas such as: food, cloths, and providing sustainable source of income projects and still working on them till this moment. The fourth step was a postponed childhood dream, a dream to be a professional sports player and that was achieved in a year, I started playing air rifle shooting game that I am a national medalist in now, in 3 different national cups and still counting.

A headstart in my career

A Quote I strongly believe in says:” A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way”. John. C.Maxwell..
The fifth step in my opinion was the most Important and critical step, when I decided to establish a student activity with my high aiming colleagues that are now lifetime friends. the club aims for building the ideal professional personality that the engineering or even the job market would need. Mechatrones, A club that links the engineering applications with a wide range of skill developing activities. And that was a one new perfect match with my living purpose, this team was a strong backbone to rely on, it was a catalyst indeed. We believed in self learning and student led Education by joining several competitions and organizing several camps. In parallel with the club work I started taking roles in several activities as a part of loyalty to my academy I volunteered in “Ask me team” to help freshers and students willing to join my academy. I also remember in summer when I used to go to the academy for no reason, I just wanted to do any positive impact on that place, I cannot forget the days when I used to stay in the laboratory with my colleagues reorganizing the electronic components and that was made with love. Can’t forget the days spent in summer camps for high school students. Our first robotic competition participation with the freshers we have already taught and returning with medals, our participation at the ROV competition that made a drastic change in our personality and our technical background in designing a robotic product from A to Z, especially when we knew that we took the third place at the regional competition.

Through this short part of the story I am writing, I passed through several ups and downs that made me stronger, I participated in several events in the name of my academy such as Egypt’s CSR Forum-I’ve been also nominated by the Academy to participate in several events and much more yet to come. I won in robotic competitions, I was even awarded with the best student Award for the academic year 2017-2018.

One of my Important values is: The academic achievement can be important but still its one of different layers and dimensions that build a leading personality. However, I am doing my best to maintain a good GPA. I took also several technical trainings that enriched my technical background in different technical areas, which let me transfer more knowledge.

International engagements

The following step was an unexpected but was another life changing step. I’ve been chosen to take an Erasmus + scholarship for three months at university of central Lancashire, and that was a great opportunity to me to work in a more clear, dedicated and helpful environment. Through these 3 months I developed myself technically, personally, that included even my fitness life, these 3 months gave me a perfect chance to live a full independent life. and I found it a great opportunity to apply my life purpose on my colleagues joining the same program, and it happened through the sessions I gave there or even through unofficial help in projects we did together, and that was clear for our mentors. I believe also that I left a good impression to the British culture on the Egyptian personality. This program also made me know about several cultures in my country through my colleagues coming from different areas and know their values and needs, an Important information a leader would need.

here I am now, again at Uclan , spreading my vision as a student leader of UCLan Mechatronics Club and CEO of its ROV Team doing our best to achieve the unexpected!